
The solution in chemiluminescence for AID and Allergy testing
- Innovative fully automated CLIA technology
- Random access, continuous loading
- STAT positions
- Built-in touch screen PC
- Refrigerated reagent carousel
- Barcoded reagents, calibrators, controls
- Automatic importing sample ID
- Secondary auto-dilution
- Calibration stable for 28 days
- Bi-directional LIS interface
- Smart cuvette monitoring
- Simple daily maintenance
- First result in 48 mins
- Any test combination can be run
Watch the BioCLIA video here
Discover more than 40 AID markers and over 60 allergies. Download the flyers here.
Systems specifications
BioCLIA 500
- 12 reagent positions: 12 AID/33 Allergenes
- 24 sample positions, incl. 6 STAT
- 130 cuvettes, refill anytime
- min. sample volume > 200µL
- 500 mm (L) x 645 mm (W) x 648 mm (H)
- weight: 89 kg
- throughput: up to 120/h
BioCLIA 6500
- 24 reagent positions: 24 AID/69 Allergenes
- 96 sample positions, incl. 12 STAT
- 1000 cuvettes, refill anytime
- min. sample volume > 200µL
- 1280 mm (L) x 720 mm (W) x 700 mm (H)
- weight: 167 kg
- throughput: up to 218/h